Smart Technologies Design, Development and Prototyping Centre Project (STEDEC), co-financed by the Republic of Türkiye and the European Union, is being implemented by the project beneficiary KTO Karatay University within the framework of the Competitive Sectors Programme which is carried out by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology.
The main objective of the Smart Technologies Design, Development and Prototyping Centre (STEDEC) is to increase the capacity of agricultural machinery manufacturers in the TR 52 Konya-Karaman region regarding the designing and production of equipment with smart technologies that are compatible with Agriculture 4.0/precision agriculture and to make our manufacturers more competitive in the national and international platforms.
Additionally, STEDEC will function as a Centre where R&D projects will be regularly carried out. The main methodology for these projects will be the realization of ideas for the needs of the industry within the framework of industry-university cooperation. Through this project, it is aimed to improve the university-industry cooperation in the region. Smart Technologies Design, Development and Prototyping Centre, which started its project activities as of 15 February 2021, and with its advanced technology devices, apart from agricultural machinery manufacturers, will provide service to firms operating in other sectors, especially in prototyping, measurement, testing, and verification, and will support R&D projects of the firms.
Target Groups:
The project will be implemented in Konya and all of its districts and the target groups are:
Manufacturing Industry:
Due to the subject of the project, the main target groups of the centre are the followings; in particular, operating in the field of agricultural machinery:
- SMEs
- Innovative SMEs
- Micro Businesses
- Start-ups.
Within the framework of the Centre’s R&D mission, the following are also part of the target groups of the Centre:
- Universities
- Technocities/Technoparks
These groups will function as natural stakeholders of the Centre in the framework of project development and/or creating services through collaboration.
Project Components:
- Equipment Component:
STEDEC’s Equipment Component is implemented in parallel with the Technical Assistance Component. The acceptance and installation of all devices to be purchased within the scope of the equipment component of the Centre have been completed. STEDEC consists of three departments: Software and Modelling, Rapid Prototyping and Testing, Measurement & Instrumentation, and each department is equipped with state-of-the-art technology devices. The designs made in the software and modelling department will be converted into physical products in the form of either metal and polymer or electronic circuits in the prototyping department, and the prototypes will be measured and tested in the Testing, Measurement & Instrumentation department at the final stage. The devices present in each department are available in very few institutions in Türkiye, and it is one of the biggest objectives of the project to serve the country’s industry with their full capacity.
Contracting Authority: Ministry of Industry and Technology, Directorate General of European Union and Foreign Relations, Department of European Union Financial Programmes Beneficiary Institution: KTO Karatay University Total Equipment Budget: €3.2 million
2. Technical assistance component:
Smart Technologies Design, Development and Prototyping Centre (STEDEC) Project aims to increase the R&D capacities of the target group in many ways in order to transform traditional products produced in the regional industry into smart products. STEDEC’s operational capacity will be created through various activities, including conducting a needs assessment, delivering internal trainings, preparing a roadmap for Networking and Partnerships, developing the Centre’s Business Plan and carrying out the planned study visits. One of the most important activities of the project will be delivering various technological training programmes on smart technologies for SMEs in order to develop qualified human resources, which is seen as the most important shortcoming in the region when it comes to developing smart products. In this framework, target groups will be supported in acquiring a qualified workforce and increasing their R&D capacities. In addition, SMEs will be supported through seminars on national and international financing opportunities in order to improve their capacity of accessing funds for R&D activities. As a result of all these activities, it is aimed to increase the R&D and smart product development capacities of the target group and to develop university-industry cooperation in the region. Besides, various visibility and awareness activities will be carried out to promote the Project and STEDEC as a potential actor in agricultural trade to attract the attention of target groups, including SMEs, start-ups and innovative SMEs operating in the field of agricultural machinery at regional, national and international levels. It is a well-known fact that the most effective tools for enhancing business competitiveness in a sector and providing sustainability in business development are the promotion of R&D, innovation and technological development. STEDEC will be of great importance to the province of Konya as it works to improve the capacity of relevant stakeholders and target groups consisting of a wide range of enterprises in the agriculture and agricultural machinery sectors.
Component A: Establishment and Operationalization of the Centre:
Under this component, there are activities such as a detailed survey-based business diagnosis of the sector, business and technical trainings for STEDEC personnel, preparation of a roadmap and work plan for networking and partnership, and establishment of an Academic Advisory Board consisting of academicians from national and/or international universities in related fields.
Component B: Capacity building services for SMEs operating in the agricultural machinery sector:
Under this component, there are activities such as providing trainings on R&D activities (especially smart technologies) and raising funds and financing opportunities for SMEs, and the implementation of a pilot project phase in which 5 pilot projects will be developed and implemented to increase the capacity of SMEs in the region.
Component C: Communication and Visibility:
Under this component, various communication and visibility activities will be carried out to raise awareness and provide information about the Project and STEDEC.
Contracting Authority: Ministry of Industry and Technology, Directorate General of European Union and Foreign Relations, Department of European Union Financial Programmes
Beneficiary Institution: KTO Karatay University
Project Budget: € 1.5 million
Project Duration: 36 Months
Project Start Date: 15 February 2021
Project Completion Date: 15 February 2024